Server Migration Sponsor Program

We have an opportunity to migrate our web servers to a new hosting company, reducing our monthly server lease expenses to less than half what they are now while getting more robust servers.

While this is an exciting prospect, it will involve set up costs and 2-3 weeks of intensive work, moving and testing web sites one-by-one.

I arrived back home in Maine on Saturday and have the opportunity to start this effort next week, but it will come with a cost to Baptist Ministries and to us personally. Personally, our monthly support does not cover our monthly expenses yet, and the on-line ministry generates enough support to take care of its monthly expenses and nothing more. Once I begin the server moves, I will not be able to do anything else to supplement our income and pay our bills.

I do not want to pass by this chance to significantly reduce our biggest monthly expense (web server lease). It will benefit the ministry for years to come. Yet, we survive month-to-month like most folks, never quite knowing where God will bring in the funds to cover personal and ministry expenses.

I do believe that it is God's will for us to make this move, so I am introducing this new sponsorship program to encourage and reward those who are interested in helping with this work.

A block of sponsorships will appear on every page of, at the top of the right collumn, for a full year from the time the last spot on it is sponsored. There are 10 spots. I can make the graphics for you at no charge, or you can supply a 180 by 50 graphic (GIF, JPG, or PNG). If you want a bigger image, sponsor two adjacent spots.

These spots will be reserved on a first-come, first-served basis.

To get started, go to

Server Move Sponsorship Grid

Click a spot above that you are interested in sponsoring or, if you just want to give something to help with this project, use the form below.

Enter amount: [Credit card / Paypal] 

(type in the amount you wish to give)